Go-to Clinic for Dental Services in Carbonear
At Dr. Kohli Dental Clinic, we offer a wide range of dental services in Carbonear to provide relief to our patients. Our experienced and skilled dental staff is dedicated to assisting you in maintaining good oral health. We analyze and treat all oral conditions that may affect kids, adolescents and adults. Whether you require fillings, deep cleaning, root canals or even emergency dental care, we are always there to help you. Get in touch to book an appointment or just walk into our clinic for a situation that requires urgent care.
Our Dental Services
Our comprehensive dental services include the following:
Emergency dental treatments
Deep cleaning and whitening
Dental implants
Tooth fillings
Bonding and veneers
Root canal treatment
Crown and bridges
Tooth extractions
Panoramic and digital x-rays
Bite plane
Nightguard and sports guard
Removable partial dentures
Complete dentures
Oral cancer screening